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The Friday Five Things You May or May Not Know About Me

I can never be bothered with the actual Friday Five and I don't know if I can think up 100 things that people may or may not know about me, so for today, I've decided to mangle the two ideas together and present a little quizlet.

The idea is simple - I ask five questions, the answers to which you may or may not know and you post your answers in the comments. Guesswork is encouraged and there will be two prizes - one prize for if you get all the answers correct, and one for the most creative wrong answer (or really, the one that makes me laugh the most). Prize to be decided by me, judge's decision is final, all the usual caveats apply.

1. I have 6 piercings. Where are they? A point for each correct answer.
2. I've started and stopped blogging several times in several locations. How many blog urls have I had? Bonus points if you can name more than 3 of them.
3. How many different hair colours have I had in the last 18 months? Bonus points for being able to name more than 3.
4. I am the world's worst (most pathetic) rebel. Why is this?
5. I have several little "foibles". What are these? One point for each correct one.

The answers to most of these can be found in the archives, so those who've been (un)lucky enough to meet me in person don't have a hugely unfair advantage.

So have at it... give it your best shot. Answers will be posted sometime next week.

November 21, 2003 in Me, me, me | Permalink


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» Id from Acerbia
If you've been a long-time reader of this site then you probably know more about my girlfriend than her own mother does. So maybe you should take the Five Things You May or May Not Know About Me she posted... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 27, 2003 5:46:07 PM

» November Referrer Madness from Solonor's Ink Well
I've been doing this monthly list of The Top 20 Sites From Which Nice People Came To Look At The... [Read More]

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1. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Stranraer, Aberdeen and Chalfont St Giles.
2. Seven, all named after Snow White's dwarves.
3. Three: dark, middling and fair.
4. You have trademarked the word "pathos" but are refusing to pay for it.
5. There are four: each foible is named after a Teletubbie.

So, how did I do?

Posted by: Mark | Nov 21, 2003 4:23:10 PM

Ohhh I'm too new to your site to answer these, and anyway, I'm too busy daydreaming (ok fantasising) about piercings...

Posted by: Gordon | Nov 24, 2003 1:43:09 PM

I'm still puzzling....

Posted by: Gordon | Nov 25, 2003 12:38:34 PM

Ok... since i'm stuck home with the flu and have no brains for real content, a clue or two...

3 of my piercings are in my ears...
2 of my previous blog urls used my middle name...
Of all the hair colours I've had in the last 18 months, none of them have been blue or green.
Question 4 relates to my birthday
I'm quite sure D (http://www.acerbia.com) can be bribed... ;)

Posted by: pix | Nov 25, 2003 12:47:49 PM

your middle name is pixel? your parents must have been neo-geeks of some sort. proto-geeks, even. no wonder D is fond of you.

Posted by: unmute | Nov 26, 2003 1:33:18 PM

OK, it doesn't help with the quiz but YES I have read you before... ae.com wasn't it?

And the weird thing now is that I have two mental images of one person... how will I marry the two?

Posted by: Gordon | Nov 26, 2003 8:42:24 PM

Marrying two people is immoral, Gordon.

Naughty boy.

Posted by: Stuart | Nov 27, 2003 12:10:06 PM

Also, D might have something to say about that ;)

Posted by: pix | Nov 27, 2003 1:55:09 PM

Nah, you go for it mate, I'm quite sure she'd never marry anyone called Gordon, I'm quite safe.

Posted by: D | Nov 27, 2003 5:37:30 PM

hmmm, this is a tough one, obviously 3 in the ears and I would say the other 3 are (sorry for being rude) used like stapples sowing your lower region up so Gordon can not well you know.
- As for your urls... shhhhh thats a secret!
- Hair colour hmmm lets just say punk!
- You're a rebel????
- I ain't even gonna go there on the 5th one.....

Posted by: S | Nov 28, 2003 1:26:17 PM

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