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Radio Ga Ga

So, in roughly an hour and a half, I'll be ensconced in a studio in BBC Broadcasting House trying not to make an arse of myself live on air, while I try and explain to the Woman's Hour listeners why I write about my life and put it on the internet for everyone to see, in a way that doesn't make them think I'm a raving nutjob.

If you wish to listen in the classic way, you can tune your radio to 92-95 FM, or in the even more classic way, tune it to 198 LW.

If you prefer to make use of the wonderful technology of the internet, you can listen here with the BBC Radio Player, which uses Real Player.

Programme inforamtion can be found here and if you really want to, you can listen to the programme here (Real Player required).

September 15, 2003 in Me, me, me | Permalink


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» Women's Hour Meets Weblogging from Sore Eyes
Today's Woman's Hour on Radio 4 carried a ten minute feature on weblogging, featuring Louise Ferguson and pixeldiva. The discussion was intelligent and well-informed, and served as a pretty decent non-technical introduction to the subject.That said, I ... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 15, 2003 11:02:01 PM


Can you try and avoid using any big words like "ensconced"? I had to look it up...

Posted by: D | Sep 15, 2003 9:13:53 AM

The boyfriend has just rung me up, having heard the piece purely by chance in the car. "Have you ever heard of a blogger called xxxxx - she sounds Scottish?" Why, yes indeed. Who was the other one, though?

(He said it was a good piece, and quoted large chunks of it back at me, so something must have stuck...)

Posted by: mike | Sep 15, 2003 10:34:08 AM

Excellent! But I'm a bit confused - I tuned in for a discussion on tupperware and all I heard were 3 women talking intelligently about blogging. Harrumph.

Oh and Mike, the other blogger was Louise Ferguson of http://www.louiseferguson.com

Now I'm off to listen to Mansfield Park...

Posted by: Daisy | Sep 15, 2003 10:45:11 AM

Good grief Mike... it really is a small world... :)

Posted by: pix | Sep 15, 2003 1:11:07 PM

Just to say hello and blow a brazilian kiss to the Diva. ;)

Thanks, Ann, for the "lovely" description of the Figaro. I'm listening to your interview right now.

Posted by: Gui | Sep 15, 2003 3:17:58 PM

Well done Pix

You sounded knowledgeable yet personable which is always a good mix!

Posted by: Annie Mole | Sep 16, 2003 12:08:06 AM

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